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April 04 2018, 08:00
A family's SUV found upside down at the bottom of a cliff near a remote stretch of highway on the Northern California coast. Five bodies recovered, including three teens. Questions surrounding whether the vehicle was deliberately driven off the road.
April 04 2018, 08:00
A family SUV found at the bottom of a California cliff may have been deliberately driven off the road, according to police.
April 04 2018, 08:00
Senior White House aides are exasperated with Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, the already embattled Cabinet secretary who now finds himself at the center of an expanding controversy over his decision to rent a room in Washington, DC, from the family of an energy lobbyist.
April 04 2018, 08:00
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt is drawing scrutiny for his housing situation and travel practices, but in his role as the nation's top environmental official, he's making good on President Donald Trump's campaign promises for fewer environmental regulations.
April 04 2018, 08:00
President Trump is imposing tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese imports to the US, heightening fears about a trade war between the world's two biggest economies. CNNMoney's Vanessa Yurkevich explains what your life could look like if Chinese products get more expensive.
April 04 2018, 08:00
AT&T and Time Warner attorneys on Tuesday questioned the method and motivation behind a consulting firm's research used as a key factor in the government's lawsuit to stop AT&T and Time Warner's merger.