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April 05 2018, 08:00
As the investigation continues into why a female shooter opened fire at YouTube headquarters, data show that it's rare for women to carry out such shootings -- making Tuesday's incident unusual.
April 05 2018, 08:00
The shooting in San Bruno, California, at YouTube's headquarters was, in some respects, just another case of gun violence.
April 05 2018, 08:00
The House Ethics Committee has extended its investigation into whether Tennessee Republican Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. misused $100,000 from campaign and leadership PAC funds on personal expenses -- including baby showers and wedding showers at a country club -- as detailed in a new report made public Wednesday.
April 05 2018, 08:00
Harvey Weinstein has a new communications team.
April 05 2018, 08:00
For most of the trial playing out over the Justice Department's lawsuit to stop AT&T's purchase of Time Warner, Judge Richard Leon has not posed many questions to witnesses. But on Wednesday, he was more vocal from the bench than in any previous day, asking three of the government's witnesses probing questions about negotiations between programmers and distributors.
April 04 2018, 08:00
Despite the eagerness to declare it ebbing, Syria's war is unlikely to get closer to its end simply because Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hassan Rouhani are meeting in Ankara this week.
April 04 2018, 08:00
CNN has learned that the US military has been working on plans to send dozens of additional US troops to northern Syria, according to several US defense and administration officials. The officials say the plans have been under discussion for several days and were first considered before President Donald Trump's remarks last Thursday that the US would "be coming out of Syria like very soon."
April 04 2018, 08:00
The US and British soldiers killed in an improvised explosive devise blast in Manbij, Syria, last week were on a classified mission to "kill or capture a known ISIS member" according to Pentagon spokesman Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway.
April 04 2018, 08:00
Members of the armed rebel group Failaq Al-Rahman were evacuated from the besieged city of Douma toward Idlib, Syrian state-run TV reported Sunday.
April 04 2018, 08:00
The Syrian government and rebel group Ahrar Al-Sham have reached their first evacuation agreement that allows for rebel fighters and their families to leave the besieged area of Eastern Ghouta. CNN's Jomana Karadsheh reports.