Social Network
April 05 2018, 08:00
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen says President Donald Trump has ordered US National Guard troops to assist border patrol agents along the US-Mexico border.
April 05 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump is on a tear about immigration again. Often mercurial and dark, Trump is using the power of the presidency to share his fear and anxiety with the country, and to stir the same feelings in its citizens.
April 05 2018, 08:00
There is a very important change in Donald Trump's rhetoric on the subject of immigration recently and it has everything to do with Congress and the approaching midterm elections.
April 05 2018, 08:00
As one of the largest employers in the border town of Laredo, Texas, I don't need to read the newspapers to tell me our country has a labor shortage problem. I know it from the hundreds of jobs I have been trying to fill for years.
April 05 2018, 08:00
The woman who opened fire at YouTube headquarters Tuesday practiced shooting at a gun range hours before the attack, police said.
April 05 2018, 08:00
Eleven hours before she shot up YouTube headquarters and then killed herself, Nasim Najafi Aghdam chatted with police.