Social Network
July 27 2018, 08:00
Dr. Rob Gore is working to save youth from violence in Brooklyn. His friend, Black Panther actress Christine Hollingsworth, wanted the world to know. Watch what happened.
July 27 2018, 08:00
Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief says he thinks there is a chance some parents may not see kids again after being separated at the border.
July 27 2018, 08:00
The removal of 2 million children to the English countryside during World War II, to keep them safe from German bombs, derived from good-hearted motives and tidy logic. But it was in many ways disastrous for the families involved.
July 27 2018, 08:00
Before US immigration authorities detained him and took his son, the Honduran migrant said he spent three days in the hands of armed men who identified themselves as members of the Gulf Cartel.
July 27 2018, 08:00
House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday he does not support House conservatives' efforts to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is overseeing the special counsel Russia investigation.
July 26 2018, 08:00
Dried pools of molten aluminum dot the charred roads of a small Greek village ravaged by fire this week. The flames were so hot that cars in their path began to melt, metal dripping to the ground and tires turned to liquid rubber.