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July 29 2018, 08:00
Julian Assange walked into the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on June 19, 2012 to claim political asylum. He has been there ever since -- a total of 2,230 days -- rarely seeing daylight. But multiple sources say his situation is now untenable and he may soon leave, whether he wants to or not.
July 29 2018, 08:00
Julian Assange's nearly six-year refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in London is in danger, opening the WikiLeaks founder to arrest by British authorities and potential extradition to the US, multiple sources with knowledge tell CNN.
July 29 2018, 08:00
President Trump's secretary of state has dubbed Julian Assange's group WikiLeaks a "hostile intelligence service." Trump's national security adviser once called on the US to use WikiLeaks for "target practice." And his attorney general asserted that the arrest of Assange remains a "priority" for the United States.
July 29 2018, 08:00
Roger Stone, a longtime associate of President Donald Trump's, tried to get information related to Hillary Clinton from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange through a mutual acquaintance during the 2016 presidential campaign, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday, citing emails it reviewed.
July 28 2018, 08:00
Pakistan's election commission is expected to confirm former cricket star Imran Khan's victory Friday after polls marred by widespread allegations of vote-rigging.
July 28 2018, 08:00
Grandmas arrived at a Texas bus station toting backpacks stuffed with supplies. Groups of moms planned cross-country carpools. Shelters opened their doors to families in need.
July 28 2018, 08:00
Immigrant advocacy groups are gearing up to track down more than 400 parents who were separated from their children and deported without them.
July 28 2018, 08:00
As a court-ordered deadline to reunite all eligible families the Trump administration separated at the border elapsed, one in three children still remained away from their parents, with no clear indication when they would be reunited.
July 28 2018, 08:00
The wife of a former US Marine is facing deportation to Mexico next week despite a congressman's efforts to stop her removal from central Florida.