Social Network
July 25 2018, 08:00
Four months after the Cambridge Analytica scandal humbled Facebook and shaved tens of billions of dollars from its market value, the company's stock is once again trading at record highs.
July 25 2018, 08:00
At least 74 people have died in the worst wildfires to hit Greece in more than a decade, with some residents forced to flee into the sea to escape the advancing flames.
July 25 2018, 08:00
Dozens of people have been killed and scores injured in the worst wildfires to affect Greece in over a decade.
July 25 2018, 08:00
The summer of temperature extremes just keeps going, with record heat waves this month on all four continents that occupy the non-tropical Northern Hemisphere where it is now summer.
July 25 2018, 08:00
July 2018 has seen wildfires, record-high temperatures and deadly heat waves around the world.
July 25 2018, 08:00
With exactly two years to go until the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Japan continues to swelter under searing heat.