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April 01 2018, 08:00
It took Baton Rouge Police Officer Blane Salamoni less than 90 seconds to shoot Alton Sterling, but police took nearly two years to fire him and release footage from his body camera.
April 01 2018, 08:00
Baton Rouge police release new body cam video of the 2016 Alton Sterling shooting.
April 01 2018, 08:00
Baton Rouge police shot Alton Sterling to death on July 5, 2016, outside a convenience store. Two bystander videos were released not long after the shooting. On Friday, police released the body cam videos from officers Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake II and security video from the store. Some things described in this story have been edited out of the videos CNN is using.
April 01 2018, 08:00
Baton Rouge Police Officer Blane Salamoni has been fired for violating use-of-force policies in the Alton Sterling shooting, Chief Murphy Paul told reporters Friday evening while also releasing four videos, several of which graphically show Sterling as he lay dying.
April 01 2018, 08:00
Former Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin isn't going anywhere.
April 01 2018, 08:00
The Department of Justice is asking the Supreme Court to abandon its case against Microsoft over international data privacy.
March 31 2018, 08:00
Chad Houser's nonprofit restaurant in Dallas has provided a 12-month paid internship program for hundreds of young people coming out of juvenile detention.