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April 02 2018, 08:00
Former Sacramento Kings forward Matt Barnes on Saturday led demonstrators in California's capital in a protest rally over the police killing of an unarmed black man who -- an independent autopsy found -- was shot multiple times in the back.
April 02 2018, 08:00
An independent autopsy shows that Stephon Clark was shot by Sacramento police eight times, and six of those wounds were in his back, according to Dr. Bennet Omalu, the forensic pathologist retained by Clark's family to conduct a separate autopsy.
April 02 2018, 08:00
About seven minutes after Sacramento police fatally shot unarmed black man Stephon Clark in his grandmother's backyard, officers were instructed to mute their body cameras.
April 02 2018, 08:00
The White House resumes an annual tradition as it prepares to host its 140th Easter Egg Roll.
April 02 2018, 08:00
China is showing the United States that it will make good on its trade threats.
April 01 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump's unexpected announcement on Thursday that the US would "be coming out of Syria like very soon" is raising concerns among some national security officials who warn that withdrawing now would not only undermine American credibility in the region but prompt a significant escalation to an already devastating conflict.
April 01 2018, 08:00
If President Donald Trump makes good on his promise to get out of Syria "very soon," one of the biggest winners will be Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian government.
April 01 2018, 08:00
In a speech on infrastructure, President Donald Trump unexpectedly announced that the United States will be pulling troops out of Syria even though Pentagon officials say they were given no guidance.
April 01 2018, 08:00
Six years ago, Tony Hillery was volunteering at a New York City public school in Harlem.