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May 09 2018, 08:00
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May 09 2018, 08:00
Residents voiced frustration and anxiety after being forced to evacuate their homes as lava and hazardous fumes spewed on Hawaii's Big Island.
May 09 2018, 08:00
Rachel Crooks, who alleged that Donald Trump kissed her without her consent in 2005 when she was working as a receptionist in Trump Tower, on Tuesday secured her primary bid for state office in Ohio.
May 09 2018, 08:00
A Republican lawmaker wants answers from the Department of Agriculture about taxpayer-funded research experiments at a Maryland facility that have allegedly led to the deaths of hundreds of cats and kittens.
May 09 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump chose a dicey time to crack down on Iran, the world's fifth-biggest oil producer.
May 08 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump will announce his decision on whether the US will pull out of the Iran nuclear accord at 2 p.m. ET on Tuesday, he wrote in a tweet.
May 08 2018, 08:00
An Israeli private intelligence firm was reportedly hired to dig up dirt on Obama administration officials who worked on the Iran nuclear deal in an effort to undermine the agreement.
May 08 2018, 08:00
UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson arrived in Washington on a full court press in defense of the Iran nuclear deal, taking to the airwaves on Fox News and meeting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to not just defend the agreement but also warn against the US pursuing a military option against Tehran.
May 08 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Monday to condemn former Secretary of State John Kerry for engaging in "shadow diplomacy" to try to preserve the Iran nuclear deal by holding meetings and speaking with major players, who, like Kerry, do not want Trump to withdraw the US from the agreement.