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May 09 2018, 08:00
Here are nine things to know about what the World Health Organization calls "one of the world's most virulent diseases."
May 09 2018, 08:00
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta is at the CDC and answers your questions about Ebola.
May 09 2018, 08:00
Deadly diseases like Ebola are only a plane ride away. In today's interconnected world, linked by transoceanic flights, one infected person can trigger a domino effect that pays no attention to borders.
May 09 2018, 08:00
CNN's Isa Soares speaks with professor David Heymann, one of the people who first discovered the Ebola virus.
May 09 2018, 08:00
Here's some background information about Ebola, a virus with a high fatality rate that was first identified in Africa in 1976.
May 09 2018, 08:00
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