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June 17 2018, 08:00
Ramon Cruz Laboy, a 75-year-old who kept to himself and never wanted to burden his relatives, died January 24 from medical complications that resulted from a femur fracture he suffered during a gust of wind from Hurricane Maria.
June 17 2018, 08:00
It's been more than eight months since Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico. People are still using tarps for roofs. Officials are worried another storm could wipe out power on the island again. And a new estimate of the death toll suggests thousands more died than we knew. CNN correspondent Leyla Santiago and senior investigative reporter John Sutter are seeing it unfold firsthand, documenting the devastation and digging on the death toll. I asked them to give me and others on the mainland a window into what it's really been like over there. Our Slack conversation, condensed and lightly edited for clarity, is below.
June 17 2018, 08:00
The Puerto Rican government has seven days to release death certificates and related data to CNN and a local journalism organization investigating the true toll of Hurricane Maria, a Puerto Rican judge ruled Monday.
June 17 2018, 08:00
Here are some of the things Donald Trump did in a week that at first appeared to be an incoherent torrent of unrelated events but may end up being one of the most significant of his presidency:
June 17 2018, 08:00
Nike is ditching a clothing line that featured a logo many claimed was a ripoff of the US Naval Academy's coat of arms.
June 16 2018, 08:00
She was kidnapped by Salvadoran guerillas three decades ago, watched her husband be killed and forced to cook and clean for the militants. Now she can't stay in the US — because that was supporting terrorists, a court says.