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June 18 2018, 08:00
Ramon Cruz Laboy, a 75-year-old who kept to himself and never wanted to burden his relatives, died January 24 from medical complications that resulted from a femur fracture he suffered during a gust of wind from Hurricane Maria.
June 18 2018, 08:00
Here are some of the things Donald Trump did in a week that at first appeared to be an incoherent torrent of unrelated events but may end up being one of the most significant of his presidency:
June 18 2018, 08:00
It's hard to believe, but not too long ago Alex Rodriguez was one of the most unpopular figures in sports, and maybe America.
June 18 2018, 08:00
"Incredibles 2" flexed its muscles at the box office this weekend.
June 18 2018, 08:00
Ramon Cruz Laboy, a 75-year-old who kept to himself and never wanted to burden his relatives, died January 24 from medical complications that resulted from a femur fracture he suffered during a gust of wind from Hurricane Maria.
June 17 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump's tariffs on Chinese goods are intended to help American companies that have been hurt by Beijing's industrial policies.
June 17 2018, 08:00
Ramon Cruz Laboy, a 75-year-old who kept to himself and never wanted to burden his relatives, died January 24 from medical complications that resulted from a femur fracture he suffered during a gust of wind from Hurricane Maria.
June 17 2018, 08:00
As onlookers lauded reports of Taliban fighters and Afghan government security forces shaking hands and embracing during an unprecedented ceasefire to mark Eid, a deadly bombing in eastern Afghanistan marred celebrations Saturday.
June 17 2018, 08:00
Breshna Musazai leaned on her brother as she climbed out of her wheelchair and up the stairs of the graduation stage at the American University of Afghanistan. With polio in one leg and injuries from a Taliban attack in the other, the climb was difficult. She heard cheers from behind her.