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December 27 2018, 08:00
Joy Reid reports on Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's remarkably productive schedule even as she underwent surgery for lung cancer, and her remarkable record of never having missed oral arguments in her 25 years on the bench.
December 27 2018, 08:00
From E. coli-tainted romaine lettuce to Salmonella in cereal, this year certainly had its fair share of foodborne illness outbreaks.
December 27 2018, 08:00
A basketball-obsessed boy is now wheelchair-bound and unable to verbally communicate after he was struck down by a brain damaging illness triggered by the flu.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Fans and players who traveled to Dallas from halfway across the country were left wondering Wednesday why no contingency plans were in place after the scheduled ServPro First Responder Bowl -- pitting No. 25 Boise State against Boston College -- was abruptly canceled due to lightning.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Abbas Edalat, a British-Iranian professor who was arrested and detained in Iran for eight months, has returned to the UK, according to British authorities.
December 27 2018, 08:00
The death of Felipe Alonzo-Gomez came 16 days after another Guatemalan child, Jakelin Caal Maquin, died in CBP custody December 8.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Three people were killed and 13 others wounded when a car bomb exploded in an outdoor market in the city of Tal Afar in northwestern Iraq on Tuesday, according to the Iraqi military. ISIS claimed responsibility for the blast.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Fifty-seven years later, Gabriel Bach still pauses to compose himself when he tells the story of the girl in the red coat. Bach took time to speak with me last week about his experience as one of three Israeli prosecutors who tried the notorious Nazi logistics director Adolf Eichmann for war crimes in Jerusalem in 1961.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Wall Street, markets and business crave certainty. For the past month, they have been contending with confusion and disorder.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Global markets are having a rough 2018. What's worse, there's little relief in sight.