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December 28 2018, 08:00
The United Arab Emirates will reopen its embassy in Damascus seven years after withdrawing its diplomatic representation from Syria, the Emirati government said Thursday.
December 27 2018, 08:00
A secret case that may be tied to the Mueller investigation has hit the Supreme Court. If the justices decide to intervene in the case, it could be the first time the full court hears a completely sealed court case. Ari Melber discusses with Jill Wine...
December 27 2018, 08:00
President Trump made his first visit to U.S. troops in a combat zone as he faced new fallout over the Mattis resignation. Malcolm Nance reacts to Susan Rice calling Trump a "threat". Eleanor Clift and David Jolly join the discussion of Trump's impact...
December 27 2018, 08:00
Joy Reid notes that while the Senate will be officially open on Thursday, they are not expected to resolve the standoff with Donald Trump to reopen the business of the federal government.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Karine Jean-Pierre, senior advisor to, talks with Joy Reid about polls showing that despite a growing list of likely 2020 candidates, the Democratic base still favors someone they've not yet met.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Rep. Nanette Barragan reacts to the death of 8 year old Migrant boy in CBP custody.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Joy Reid reports on a mysterious court case believed to be tied to Robert Mueller's Trump Russia investigation that is now the subject of a stay order by Chief Justice John Roberts while the Supreme Court considers whether to take on the case itself.
December 27 2018, 08:00
President Trump's shaky holiday continues as the consequences of forcing out his Secretary of Defense and the the government shutdown grow.
December 27 2018, 08:00
Julia Ainsley, national security and justice reporter for NBC News, talks with Joy Reid about difficult circumstances at the U.S. border as the Trump administration's strategy of trying to deter migrants and refugees at the southern border with cruel
December 27 2018, 08:00
Rep. Ro Khanna: "The way he went about that withdrawal was not right."