February 05 2018, 08:00
Former CIA Director John Brennan scorned House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) for the release of the controversial GOP memo alleging FBI surveillance abuses, calling aspects of the move "exceptionally partisan" and saying Nunes has "abused the office" in refusing to allow Democrats on his panel to make their rebuttal document public.
CNN.com - RSS Channel - US
February 05 2018, 08:00
A South Korean court has suspended the prison sentence of Lee Jae-yong, the de facto leader of Samsung.
February 05 2018, 08:00
Asian stock markets have picked up where Wall Street left off, plunging deep into negative territory.
February 04 2018, 08:00
Younis learned how to use a machine gun as a child. "It's normal. We are Bedouin," says the 13-year-old.
CNN.com - RSS Channel - World
February 04 2018, 08:00
Here's a look at Yemen, a country located on the southwestern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, sharing a border with Saudi Arabia and Oman.
CNN.com - RSS Channel - World
February 04 2018, 08:00
The man who says he sent out the false ballistic missile alert last month in Hawaii that caused more than a half hour of panic said Friday he thinks he is being treated unfairly, and he was positive at the time the drill was real.
CNN.com - RSS Channel - US
February 04 2018, 08:00
"We put the baby in the bathroom, didn't know what else to do," said a tourist visiting Hawaii when a false alarm for a ballistic missile sounded.
CNN.com - RSS Channel - US
February 04 2018, 08:00
How did a drill at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency go so wrong and create so much panic?
CNN.com - RSS Channel - US
February 04 2018, 08:00
Hawaiian residents and vacationers spent 38 horrific minutes preparing for an incoming ballistic missile and possible death on Saturday, until the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency corrected a false alarm message..
CNN.com - RSS Channel - US
February 04 2018, 08:00
Alec Baldwin returned to late-night TV but never got out of bed.