Social Network
February 23 2018, 08:00
State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert struggled to describe specific steps the State Department and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are taking to end the violence in Syria at the agency's briefing on Thursday, exclaiming, "I don't know what some of you expect us to do," while arguing that the administration is "fully engaged."
February 22 2018, 08:00
The devastation wrought in Eastern Ghouta by a relentless bombardment by the Syrian regime has forced doctors to use expired drugs and scramble for water as the number of dead reached 300 in three days, medics and activists said.
February 22 2018, 08:00
Civilians caught in the middle of conflict: homes destroyed, hospitals bombed. Turkey's offensive in Afrin, Syria is now almost a month old. For the Yazidi minority, the ultimate fear is persecution. CNN'S Ben Wedeman reports.
February 22 2018, 08:00
Before Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on September 20, there already was an unprecedented migration from the Caribbean island to the mainland United States -- at least in part because of the US commonwealth's financial crisis. After the storm, academics are starting to use words such as "exodus" and "stampede" to describe the massive outflow of people.
February 22 2018, 08:00
With paintbrushes in hand, residents of the Ciales municipality are trying to dab color -- and hope -- back into their community blown drab by Hurricane Maria.
February 22 2018, 08:00
Fallen power lines, flooding, debris ... obstacles litter roads in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria ripped through the island.
February 22 2018, 08:00
Families displaced by Hurricane Maria are nervously counting the days until Federal Emergency Management Agency funding dries up for temporary housing in hotels across 40 states and Puerto Rico.
February 22 2018, 08:00
A pack of cigarettes sits on top of a Buffalo Wild Wings application on the kitchen table in front of Mike Harsanyi. After six years struggling with heroin addiction and two spells in prison, Harsanyi has been living in a sober house in Maryland for five months and he's looking for steady employment.