Social Network
March 24 2018, 08:00
The Austin bomber showed no remorse in a 25-minute "matter-of-fact" confession video that he recorded hours before he blew himself up, Texas Rep. Michael McCaul said.
March 24 2018, 08:00
For 19 days, exploding packages terrorized Austin residents as police frantically searched for the elusive bomber.
March 24 2018, 08:00
Cambridge Analytica says it's commissioning a third-party audit to prove that it deleted the trove of data about Facebook users that has embroiled the data analytics firm in controversy.
March 24 2018, 08:00
China may target American fruit, wine and pork producers.
March 23 2018, 08:00
Hundreds of rebel fighters began leaving the Syrian enclave of Eastern Ghouta on Thursday, forced out after weeks of heavy aerial bombardment that has caused more than 1,500 deaths.
March 23 2018, 08:00
Rania Abouzeid, author of "No Turning Back," says Syrian rebels feel "abandoned by an international community that even stopped counting Syria's dead."
March 23 2018, 08:00
America's top military officer, Gen. Joseph Dunford, spoke again with his Russian counterpart Gen. Valery Gerasimov, on Wednesday, according to a statement from a spokesman for Dunford, the second such conversation in less than two weeks.
March 23 2018, 08:00
For the first time, Israel has acknowledged bombing a secret Syrian nuclear reactor in al-Kibar in 2007, mere months before it was set for completion.
March 23 2018, 08:00
The US-led coalition fighting ISIS has observed pro-Syrian regime forces once again conducting a slow build-up east of the Euphrates River near where US troops are present advising local allies, according to multiple US and coalition officials.