Social Network
April 14 2018, 08:00
After the shooting in Parkland, Florida, a school district in suburban Erie, Pennsylvania, began formulating a school safety plan. Among its measures: handing out miniature wooden baseball bats to all 500 of its teachers.
April 14 2018, 08:00
A teacher at the Parkland, Florida, high school where 17 students and teachers were shot to death was arrested for allegedly leaving a loaded gun in a public bathroom.
April 14 2018, 08:00
The latest in a string of letters sympathetic to the young man who shot and killed 17 people at a Florida high school asked the judge in the case to show mercy on Nikolas Cruz, calling the shooter "a vulnerable and disabled little boy inside a teenager's body."
April 14 2018, 08:00
Local and state lawmakers aren't holding their breath waiting for the federal government to take action on guns.
April 14 2018, 08:00
Vermont Gov. Phil Scott on Wednesday signed sweeping gun control measures -- including limits on the size of magazines -- that the Legislature passed last month after contentious debate.
April 14 2018, 08:00
Friday the 13th lived up to its reputation. For viewers, the day began with talk of "golden showers" and ended with missiles raining down on Syria.
April 14 2018, 08:00
Apple has a long history of trying to tightly control information about its products and culture. According to a new report, Apple recently sent a memo warning employees not to leak company information, saying 29 employees were caught last year, 12 of whom were arrested.
April 13 2018, 08:00
The British government has signaled it is ready to back US military action against Syria, saying it is "highly likely" the Assad regime used chemical weapons on its own people and that such action could not go unchallenged.
April 13 2018, 08:00
President Bashar al-Assad is warning the West against attacking Syria as President Donald Trump's international allies make preparations to join the United States in any military action against the regime in response to last week's suspected chemical attack.
April 13 2018, 08:00
The President's strategy toward Syria has two critical defects. First, there is no strategy. Second, President Trump has never sought congressional authorization for use of force in Syria -- something that many have argued made his previous missile attack against Bashar al-Assad unconstitutional and makes any future unauthorized plans precarious at best. This is no way to deal with a complicated and deadly conflict that could spin out of control, especially if the United States intentionally or inadvertently engages Russia's military.