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April 17 2018, 08:00
The air in the camp is thick, fraught with the muted mourning of people who have been through more than they can comprehend, people whose losses penetrate their souls and whose fears are so great that they can barely express them.
April 17 2018, 08:00
In April 2017, President Donald Trump ordered a missile strike against Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria for its use of chemical weapons. I supported the action then because I thought it was worth punishing a regime for using these dreadful weapons.
April 17 2018, 08:00
The Syrians say some targeted sites didn't receive any damage. Satellite images given to CNN appear to show the contrary -- extensive damage.
April 17 2018, 08:00
French President Emmanuel Macron wants the world to seize the moment. After Friday night's strikes against regime targets in Syria, he's demanding a concerted drive to resurrect the international peace process, last seen late in 2016. Whether anyone listens may decide if Syria turns the corner towards peace or descends into an even more dangerous cycle of destruction.
April 17 2018, 08:00
French President Emmanuel Macron said Sunday he "convinced" President Donald Trump to stay in Syria before the United States, United Kingdom and France launched strikes against targets at three sites Friday night.
April 16 2018, 08:00
Less than 12 hours after he addressed the nation to announce a series of military strikes against Syria, President Donald Trump celebrated on Twitter.