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June 04 2018, 08:00
North Korea's human rights violations hang over the revived summit in Singapore, Democrats face a huge primary test in California, moderate House Republicans push a bipartisan DACA bill, Scott Pruitt's spending on pens raises eyebrows, and John McCain's Senate seat will not be on the ballot this year—it's all on Inside Politics.
June 04 2018, 08:00
Sen. Bob Corker said Saturday that he is working with other Senate Republicans on an effort to "push back" on President Donald Trump's use of authority "in ways never intended and that are damaging to our country and our allies."
June 04 2018, 08:00
Facebook is defending its practice of sharing users' personal data with dozens of smartphone and tablet makers.
June 03 2018, 08:00
Finance ministers from six of the world's largest economies in a rare step expressed "disappointment" over President Donald Trump's unilateral decision to slap tariffs on steel and aluminum on its allies.
June 03 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump will nominate a conservative documentarian and Stephen Bannon ally to lead a large government agency that creates and distributes news to more than one hundred countries.
June 03 2018, 08:00
Could it be that Europe is facing yet another existential crisis, six years after financial meltdown threatened the eurozone's collapse?
June 03 2018, 08:00
Pedro Sánchez was sworn in Saturday as Spain's Prime Minister, a day after ousting scandal-hit political rival Mariano Rajoy in a no-confidence vote.
June 03 2018, 08:00
Thousands of people gathered in the streets of Rome on Saturday evening to celebrate the installation of Italy's newly-installed populist government.
June 03 2018, 08:00
Italy's new Prime Minister is a law professor who has never before held political office. CNN's Delia Gallagher looks at what we can expect from him.
June 03 2018, 08:00
It seemed a typical month in the nation's third largest city.