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June 14 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump is promising soccer's international governing body that foreign teams, officials and fans will be able to travel to the US for the 2026 World Cup if North America wins the bid to host the tournament.
June 13 2018, 08:00
Kim Jong Un couldn't have scripted his Singapore sojourn any better himself. As he toured the streets on a night-time walkabout and posed for selfies with the Singaporean foreign minister, he was treated more like a rock star than a pariah autocrat.
June 13 2018, 08:00
Before hopping aboard Air Force One to head back to the United States after his historic summit in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump spent more than an hour(!) talking and taking questions from the assembled media. It was quite a performance.
June 13 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump takes reporters' questions after the North Korean-US summit with Kim Jong Un.
June 13 2018, 08:00
CNN Opinion asked a group of expert commentators to weigh in with their reactions to the historic meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. The views expressed here are solely theirs.
June 13 2018, 08:00
CNN's Christiane Amanpour reacts to President Donald Trump's speech following his summit with Kim Jong Un saying she found Trump "giving away more than having got" with little concrete plans on which to move forward.