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August 01 2018, 08:00
The Trump administration plans to raise pending tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods to 25% from 10%, a source familiar with discussions confirmed to CNN.
August 01 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump wants to give America's farmers $12 billion to shield them from losses in his global trade feuds. But if he bailed out every industry affected, it would cost more than triple that, a new report found.
August 01 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump's economic adviser Larry Kudlow backed the president's pursuit of potential tariffs on China, despite criticizing tariffs before joining the Trump administration.
August 01 2018, 08:00
Top White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow expressed support Sunday for President Donald Trump's enthusiastic pursuit of tariffs on China, saying that so long as tariffs are "targeted," the actions are valid.
August 01 2018, 08:00
Even Donald Trump understands he can't win his trade wars across all fronts, from China to Mexico to Canada. The White House is now set to restart trade negotiations with Europe and to work toward "zero tariffs" on various industrial goods. Still, the President's belief that "the US has been ripped off by other countries" is a line of reasoning that only comes naturally to a former real estate developer