Social Network
December 14 2018, 08:00
Adding to earlier reports, The New York Times is reporting that the Feds are investigating whether Trump's inaugural fund & Super PAC received any illegal foreign donations. Tamara Keith & Jim Warren discuss.
December 14 2018, 08:00
Trump is defending himself against allegations he broke the law, particularly in the wake of the news that Michael Cohen is going to jail. Former Acting U.S. Solicitor General Neal Katyal joins to discuss.
December 14 2018, 08:00
Trump's inaugural committee is under criminal investigation by federal prosecutors in New York for pay to play and misspending some of the $107 million it raised. Maya Wiley reacts to the news & what it could mean for Trump.
December 14 2018, 08:00
NBC News has confirmed that Donald Trump was in the room when hush money payments to a Playmate and a porn star were discussed, and he's now reportedly worried about the possibility of impeachment. Peter Baker, Maya Wiley, & Daniel Goldman discuss.
December 14 2018, 08:00
Maria Butina pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate in connection with a Russian plot to establish back channel communications with U.S. conservatives. Ali Velshi discusses the shocking details in her plea agreement with intelligence expert Malcolm...
December 14 2018, 08:00
The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump's inaugural committee is under investigation for misusing funds and NBC News confirms that Donald Trump was in the room with Michael Cohen for the hush money conversations. Ali Velshi discusses with Joyce...
December 14 2018, 08:00
Rachel Maddow alerts viewers to the next stage of the Michael Flynn case, which could produce more sparks in what has already been a wild week of news.
December 14 2018, 08:00
Rep. Jerry Nadler, who will likely chair the Judiciary Committee when Democrats take over the House next month, talks with Rachel Maddow about addressing what he sees as a "total culture of corruption" in the Donald Trump administration and among Trump
December 14 2018, 08:00
Rebecca Davis O'Brien, reporter for the Wall Street Journal, talks with Rachel Maddow about new reporting that federal prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into how the Trump inauguration committee raised and spent the record amounts of money
December 14 2018, 08:00
Rachel Maddow reports on the court hearing in which Russian national Maria Butina changed her plea to guilty on charges of being an agent of Russia and swore to cooperate with U.S. prosecutors on further investigations.