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December 18 2018, 08:00
The salacious and unverified opposition research dossier cited by the FBI as its main justification to surveil a top Trump aide contains many claims that are "likely false," according to the Yahoo News reporter who first broke the news of the dossier's existence.
December 18 2018, 08:00
A pair of reports detail just how much Russia's campaign of disinformation has had an effect on America. Malcolm Nance joins to break it all down.
December 18 2018, 08:00
Wired counts at least 17 separate investigations facing the Trump administration. This comes as something Rudy Giuliani said is raising at lot of eyebrows. Philip Rucker & David Jolly discuss.
December 18 2018, 08:00
Ever wondered what it's like to be interviewed by the FBI? Now we know what that was like for fmr. Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn just ahead of his sentencing. Clint Watts, Shane Harris, Barbara McQuade, & Julia Ainsley join.
December 18 2018, 08:00
Hispanic Caucus members will travel to the border to investigate the death of a 7-year-old in border patrol custody as more asylum seekers are turned away at overwhelmed ports of entry. NBC's Cal Perry tells Lawrence about the struggles of families...
December 18 2018, 08:00
There are now 17 investigations into President Trump and Russia, according to WIRED, and there'll soon be more when Democrats take control of the House. Lawrence says that Team Trump will have to hire a boatload of new lawyers to keep up. Joyce Vance,...
December 18 2018, 08:00
Tony Romm, technology policy reporter for The Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about the breadth of Russia's Internet Research Agency's propaganda effort against the U.S. that extended past 2016 election support for Donald Trump to target Russian
December 18 2018, 08:00
Rachel Maddow reports on a pair of reports released by the Senate Intelligence Committee outlining the Russian disinformation campaign to help Donald Trump win the 2016 election, and notes the continued Russian propaganda activity through 2017 when Russia
December 18 2018, 08:00
Mick Mulvaney was reportedly reluctant to accept the position - which isn't all that surprising when you hear what he had to say about President Trump just two years ago.
December 18 2018, 08:00
As the U.S. delays some migrants from seeking asylum, Mexican officials are writing numbers on migrants' arms to keep track of them.