Social Network
December 21 2018, 08:00
Trump's 700th day in Washington will go down as the most chaotic yet as he rejects a deal to stop the shutdown, his defense secretary says he's done, and the markets tank. Philip Rucker, Andrea Mitchell, & Jeremy Bash join.
December 21 2018, 08:00
Senior officials across the government are in shock after Defense Secretary James Mattis quit in protest over Trump's policies as Trump moves to shut the government down as the stock market sinks. Ali Velshi discusses the fallout and what happens next...
December 21 2018, 08:00
Michael Beschloss, NBC News presidential historian, talks with Rachel Maddow about the resignation of Defense Secretary Mattis in the context of U.S. history and past presidents' disagreements with defense secretaries.
December 21 2018, 08:00
Rep. Jerry Nadler talks with Rachel Maddow about the threat to the Mueller investigation by Donald Trump's picks to run the Justice Department, and what he thinks of the OLC decision that a president cannot be indicted.
December 21 2018, 08:00
Rep. Jerry Nadler talks with Rachel Maddow about the increasingly unavoidable conclusion that Donald Trump is choosing attorney general candidates based on their likelihood of protecting him from Robert Mueller's Trump-Russia investigation.
December 21 2018, 08:00
Senator Chris Murphy talks with Rachel Maddow about how the resignation of Defense Secretary Mattis exposed the rift between Donald Trump and his national security apparatus on an already chaotic day when Trump's intransigence pushed Congress toward a
December 21 2018, 08:00
The family of a 30-year-old former gymnast is asking for continued prayers as their daughter, who initially thought she was coming down with the flu earlier this month, fights for her life against toxic shock syndrome.
December 21 2018, 08:00
A Legionnaires’ disease outbreak at a hospital in Wisconsin has killed three people, a hospital official said.
December 21 2018, 08:00
An Army veteran and former emergency services technician will receive the lifesaving kidney he needs next week thanks in part to a quick conversation he had with a barista at the Starbucks he frequents every morning on his way to work.
December 21 2018, 08:00
Students of a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania middle school were reportedly offered a free piece of pizza if they agreed to be tested for HIV.