Social Network
December 28 2018, 08:00
It was a Friday afternoon like any other. I ate lunch, dropped off my dry cleaning, then stopped by my local Target to pick up some prescriptions.
December 28 2018, 08:00
If you live somewhere between North Dakota, Texas and Virginia, get ready for a nasty storm system that's spreading across the US.
December 28 2018, 08:00
Christmas is a time of the year when you're supposed to spend quality time with your family. But what to do if your daughter is working for an airline over the holidays?
December 28 2018, 08:00
Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani said that the president will not answer any more questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller just one day after he confirmed that negotiations for further questioning was still open. Ari Melber discusses with Joyce Vance...
December 28 2018, 08:00
Polls say Pres. Trump is to blame for the shutdown as his approval matches an all-time low. Jason Johnson, Mara Gay and Jennifer Rubin join Ari Melber to discuss the prospects for Trump as he digs in on his unpopular shutdown.
December 28 2018, 08:00
Chris Hayes talks with New Yorker Staff Writer Patrick Radden Keefe about the role of Mark Burnett in re-making Donald Trump.
December 28 2018, 08:00
Joy Reid reports on newly released financial records that show that Robert Mercer, who has funded Donald Trump's presidential campaign as well as Breitbart News and Cambridge Analytica, spent millions less in 2018 than he did in 2016, though climate
December 28 2018, 08:00
Rep. Mike Quigley, member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Joy Reid about the Intelligence Committee's perspective on a new McClatchy report that seems to corroborate allegations in the Trump dossier that Michael Cohen was in Prague in late
December 28 2018, 08:00
Barbar McQuade, former U.S. attorney, talks with Joy Reid about the legal implications for Michael Cohen if the information reported by McClatchy, that Cohen was in Prague as the Trump dossier says, is true, and why it wouldn't already have been mentioned
December 28 2018, 08:00
Greg Gordon, investigative reporter for McClatchy News, talks with Joy Reid about the information behind his new reporting that Michael Cohen's cell phone was observed to have pinged cell towers in the area of Prague in the summer of 2016, and an Eastern