Social Network
January 18 2019, 08:00
Lin-Manuel Miranda changed the lyrics during a performance to stop an audience member from filming.
January 18 2019, 08:00
Hollywood is becoming increasingly reliant on foreign ticket sales for its revenue.
January 18 2019, 08:00
Marie Kondo has turned de-cluttering into an art form - but does it really work?
January 18 2019, 08:00
Two Netflix productions used stock images of the Lac-Megantic rail disaster in a fictional context.
January 17 2019, 08:00
Did Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani just move the goalposts when it comes to the Trump campaign, collusion, and the Mueller investigation? Joyce Vance & Mimi Rocah discuss.
January 17 2019, 08:00
The White House's own economic advisers admit the government shutdown is wreaking more economic havoc than previous believed. Jill Colvin discusses.
January 17 2019, 08:00
With Mueller headlines still coming, chaos reigns in Washington as Trump's shutdown over the border wall nears day 27. And will Trump get to give his State of the Union? John Heilemann, A.B. Stoddard, & Jill Colvin join to discuss.
January 17 2019, 08:00
Former CIA Director John Brennan says that he has never seen a president behave with a foreign leader the way Trump does with Vladimir Putin. He tells Lawrence that Trump's actions are "very worrisome" and demonstrates a "lack of stability."
January 17 2019, 08:00
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a group of freshmen Democrats did a rare move and entered the Senate looking to find Mitch McConnell and push him into voting to re-open the government as Nancy Pelosi tells Trump she wants to reschedule the SOTU...
January 17 2019, 08:00
The freshman Democrat tried to deliver a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and could not find him.