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July 25 2018, 08:00
There is a gold rush underway in Alaska.
July 25 2018, 08:00
CNN's Bill Weir goes inside the fight to protect the Arctic Wildlife Refuge in Alaska from the Trump administration's efforts to bring oil drilling to the area.
July 25 2018, 08:00
President Donald Trump's willingness to consider revoking the security clearances of past officials is unprecedented and security analysts say it could carry dire consequences -- even if they agree he holds the power to do it.
July 25 2018, 08:00
Federal prosecutors investigating Donald Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen have received 12 audio recordings from the materials seized by the FBI during the searches of Cohen's home, office and hotel room, according to court filings.
July 24 2018, 08:00
The summer of temperature extremes just keeps going, with record heat waves this month on all four continents that occupy the non-tropical Northern Hemisphere where it is now summer.