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February 05 2023, 08:00
Democrats in Congress and liberal academics are pushing ideas to address the debt ceiling without needing to hear Republicans' concerns.
February 05 2023, 08:00
South Carolina Democrat James Clyburn paid out tens of thousands of dollars from his campaign funds to a company registered to his son-in-law and even more to his grandson.
February 05 2023, 08:00
Law enforcement groups are encouraging President Biden to strike a "positive" tone on policing during his upcoming State of the Union address following recent events.
February 05 2023, 08:00
Democrats in Congress and liberal academics are pushing ideas to address the debt ceiling without needing to hear Republicans' concerns.
February 05 2023, 08:00
South Carolina Democrat James Clyburn paid out tens of thousands of dollars from his campaign funds to a company registered to his son-in-law and even more to his grandson.
February 05 2023, 08:00
Republican Matt Gaetz is calling on President Joe Biden to take action on TikTok after he authorized the U.S. military to shoot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon.
February 05 2023, 08:00
CNN correspondent Frederik Pleitgen and his team were traveling on Thursday to the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk to report on the search and rescue efforts underway after a residential building was leveled overnight by a Russian missile. It was "supposed to be a fairly easy shoot," Pleitgen said, given that the crew was not heading to the frontlines of the war.
February 05 2023, 08:00
After an Indian-made cough syrup was linked to the deaths of 89 children in Gambia and Uzbekistan, India plans to allocate $80 million to improve its drug regulatory system.
February 05 2023, 08:00
Valley fever is an infection caused by breathing in spores of a fungus called Coccidioides, which originates in soil. Fox News Digital spoke to experts about the infection prevalent in the Southwest.
February 05 2023, 08:00
A Canadian law that would exclude mentally ill people from accessing assisted deaths for an additional year has been introduced, after Legislation passed a similar law in 2021.